Hello everyone!
We were once again part of the IndieArenaBooth and exhibited 2 of our games at the new Hamburg fair called Polaris.
Being the 3rd fair this year, we were very happy to see many familiar faces again and get more feedback on our game which is still in Early Access.
Although the plan was to only show Catch Me! at the fair, through favorable coincidences and the support of IAB we were able to exhibit a second game, Gelly Break Deluxe, in the multiplayer area.
The fair itself had a great mix of gaming, anime, manga and cosplay. Innovations like a QR code scavenger hunt or a flea market with gaming treasures made the fair a special event.
As always, our thanks go out to the organizers and everyone who played our games and gave us feedback.
A big thank you also to our devs who represented us on site.
We are looking forward to all the shows that will follow and are excited to see which ones will await us next year.
